Technical Specifications
Minigarden Vertical is manufactured in high strength polypropylene copolymer and contains additives that provide UV protection, making it capable of withstanding extreme weather conditions (solar radiation and temperature).
Each module in the Minigarden Vertical system is composed of 3 types of easy-to-assembly components: a lid, circular clips and a container with 3 pockets. Additionally, the system includes a base plate to collect any runoff of drainage water.

Irrigation and drainage
Minigarden Vertical has been developed to receive an irrigation system and has an innovative gravity drainage mechanism. This feature ensures that all excess irrigation water at the root of the plant is drained into the plate at the base of the unit. This system is very important for the long-term sustainability of the plants.
Food Safety
Plants grown in Minigarden Vertical, as with any other growing system, will inevitably be in contact with the material from which it is made. Careful consideration should be given to this fact when growing plants for food, as food safety may be at stake. Minigarden Vertical material is widely used in the food industry and complies with the requirements of European Union regulations, namely the Commission Regulation (EU) Nº 10/2011 on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food.
Patents and Registrations
Minigarden Vertical is much more than a simple flower pot. Its patented technology, which distinguishes it from other vertical systems, enables a successful garden. The Minigarden Vertical is protected by a worldwide patent via PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) with the number PCT/PT2006/0000003 and also by design/model registrations.
Technical Data

Selling Unit:
Maximum Capacity:
Recommended Capacity:

1 Tray

1 Module + 6 Clips
10 lts

3 Modules + 18 Clips + 1 Tray
30 lts
Manufacturing Guarantee:
Other Features:
Polypropylene Moplen with UV protection
Matt, Grain MT-11007
White, Green and Gray
3 years
Minigarden Vertical Black ECO
New version
Minigarden Vertical Black ECO is manufactured in high strength recycled polypropylene and contains additives that provide UV protection, making it capable of withstanding extreme weather conditions (solar radiation and temperature).
Each module in the Minigarden Vertical Black ECO system is composed of 3 types of easy-to-assembly components: a lid, circular clips and a container with 3 pockets. Additionally, the system includes a base plate to collect any runoff of drainage water.

Irrigation and drainage
Minigarden Vertical Black ECO has been developed to receive an irrigation system and has an innovative gravity drainage mechanism. This feature ensures that all excess irrigation water at the root of the plant is drained into the plate at the base of the unit. This system is very important for the long-term sustainability of the plants.
Patents and Registrations
Minigarden Vertical Black ECO is much more than a simple flower pot. Its patented technology, which distinguishes it from other vertical systems, enables a successful garden. The Minigarden Vertical Black ECO is protected by a worldwide patent via PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) with the number PCT/PT2006/0000003 and also by design/model registrations.
Technical Data

Selling Unit:
Maximum Capacity:
Recommended Capacity:

1 Tray

1 Module + 6 Clips
10 lts

3 Modules + 18 Clips + 1 Tray
30 lts
Manufacturing Guarantee:
Other Features:
Recycled Polypropylene
Matt, Grain MT-11007
3 years
100% produced with recyclable materials