Mix with Minigarden Vertical and/or Minigaren One
Because Minigarden Vertical, Minigarden Corner and Minigarden One are compatible with each other, you can spread the wings of your imagination and create all kinds of structures to pot your plants.
4 sets of Minigarden Corner and 4 sets of Minigarden Vertical
2 sets of Minigarden Corner and 1 set of Minigarden Vertical
3 sets of Minigarden Corner, 1 set of Minigarden Vertical and 1 set of Minigarden One

4 sets of Minigarden Corner, 2 sets of Minigarden Vertical and 2 sets Minigarden One

Combine the Minigarden Vertical,
Minigarden One and the Minigarden Corner modules, to achive the desired wall width.
Choose the right combination for the width of your wall
Our vertical cultivation system has 3 types of modules with different widths. When combined horizontally in a wall installation, the overall width differs depending on the number and type of modules chosen.
Do not forget that, in this type of wall installation, the Minigarden Corner modules can only be connected longitudinally at the ends and may thus be topped off with plants.
Watch the three examples shown in the picture on your right, where different combinations of modules have very similar total widths.

Irrigation system
The irrigation system is composed of a micro-tube with an outer diameter of 6.5 mm with drip-feeders incorporated, which is placed inside each module.
It can be connected to a manual sprayer or directly to the main water supply.
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